Dear Supporters of Guyana Mission,
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Autumn is here and time to reflect on our mission. Goals have been set and attained, others are still in process. Prayer and financial support is needed to continue with the work. Today in a devotional was a prayer that so fits this program.
‘Dear Father, You created us in your image, and we rejoice that we can share Your love and life. Help us to see the opportunities to give to others today. ‘
There are many opportunities to give in our world today, possibly you have been called to give to this work in Guyana. If you have, don’t miss the blessing by postponing your gift. It may be that the calling is to give elsewhere, please do so and you will be blessed.
Please take time now to lift the Guyana Mission Outreach Program, Wesleyana Bible Camp / Chicken Farming and Olpha Mosima, teacher in Kenya, up in prayer for the Lord’s Mighty Hand to be with them.
May Christ richly bless you,
Melva Bruce
Donor Relations