Greetings to the faithful in our journey for the Lord,
My daily devotional reading for today was Joshua reminding the Children of Israel of the land ahead of them to be conquered.
The only land that has being apportioned was that of Ruben, Dan, and half of the tribe of Manasseh and that was on the other side of the Jordan River and not the actual Promised land. Seems like all Israel got stuck at Shiloh and found it hard to make the next move (see Joshua 18:1).
Our ministries for the Lord very often meet the same challenges. “Where do we go from here?” and “What do we need to get there?”
If we have to take a page from the book of Joshua, he admonished them first to spy out the land and he would divide it and they would go forward and take possession.
It does seem very straightforward and that is exactly what it is. So where are we today in the project of Electrification? Five buildings as dorms completed (but only four fully paid for) and four other structures to be addressed.
- The administrative dorm
- The Kitchen/Dining building
- The manager’s residence
- The control room
To take a page out of the word of God our guide, we are currently assessing what the costs are to bring the project to completion, as that my faithful partners, will be our project as we enter 2024. With the help of the Lord let’s go forward in faith and complete this project.
Thanking you for your faithful support in the past and may God richly bless you as we enter 2024.
Stay tuned and we will give you the updated costs.
Al Bruce
Co-founder Guyana Outreach
Our Campaign Appeal
Help us bring this project into fruition, we are asking for your commitment of $15.00 a month for 24 months. This is an overall effort for us to raise a total of $35K in funds to complete dorms and other buildings. Thanking you for your kind consideration of our request.
mail a check to:
Guyana Outreach!
P.O. Box 771504
Ocala FL 34477-1504.
As a reminder: all contributions are tax deductible as we are a 501(c)3.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. Hebrews 10:23