Dear Supporters of Guyana Mission,
Often I feel humbled in this position that God has called me and so privileged to have brothers and sisters such as you that has supported our efforts over the years and continue to do so as the Lord lays the burden and the ability to do so upon your heart.
Over the past few years quite a lot has been reported about the activity of the Chicken Project as we tried by trial and error to get this project off the ground.
We have newcomers as well as those who have been supporting us over the years, quite recently, I realized there are three questions needed to be address especially for the newcomers.
- What does the raising chickens have to do with building the kingdom of God?
- What are the costs involved?
- What are the benefits?
May I take your time to answer these three very important questions as they will give you a clear indication the challenges ahead and to intelligently pray for us in our journeys ahead.
The ministry of Wesleyana Bible Camp is progressing yearly, souls are added to the kingdom. Funding provided through the body of Christ from different denominations enhance growth through their continuing support. To this we say once again Thank you!
God has graciously provided a Deep Water Well which meets and exceed all our current needs as well as other agriculture and business venture such as Chicken Production.
In addition, recently we were blessed with electricity that is now hooked up to the National Grid. The possibility of doing so much more is endless. Gatherings are not confined to daylight hours but extended later in the evenings and night. Praise God!
Independent of assistance from Guyana Mission a system of Internet Service has been installed.
Trusting it’s now becoming increasingly clear to all that everything we’ve accomplished so far generally points to the ministry, it is imperative we do not lose focus.
The current dorms are rented out on a regular basis to other evangelical bodies to carry out their respective ministry and offset the costs of the services of Electrical, water or Internet Services.
The total area of the campground is currently 112 acres of land that is encircled on three of its boundaries by two rows of Coconut palms with a roadway between them, the fourth boundary by a slow running creek or large trench.
The campsite area comprises of appx 20 acres with a residence for the Camp Manager, the contracted worker’s, 2 Large dorms enclosed bathrooms, 3 smaller dorms with enclosed bathrooms, Kitchen/ Dining and Chapel Assembly with floor and roof only.
The picture thus drawn hopefully would raise the question. “What will it take to maintain and continue such operation and allow for future expansions such as a Conference Center to incorporate the current chapel assembly area?”
The simple answer is “CHICKENS!”.
The reality to this answer is the complete unified agreement of everyone involved in this process. Hopefully now we have an answer and clear vision of how the rearing of chickens will not only meet our current needs but also help with the expansion of projects for the Wesleyana Bible Camp.
The answer to our second question is more complex, we are brainstorming our way through this process which can be very challenging.
The vision however is clear, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to establish an operation that within six weeks concurrently and on a rotational basis, purchase baby chicks, raise and prepare them for market in a timely manner. In doing so we will meet the requirements Guyana’s largest poultry producers (BOUNTY CHICKENS) need as a supplier for their meat birds.
Currently the stage is set for the final discussion and planning to meet this challenge we prayer fully look forward to the day of attaining that goal.
Finally, the question of benefits to be addressed can easily surpass my humble documentation.
Should it be God’s will in making this acquisition by Bounty Chickens, they will then incur and take complete responsibility for the purchase of the baby birds, feeds, medical supplies and marketing.
This process will open the doors to future expansion that will incorporate additional employment of workers, we are already blessed with the acreage to do so.
Trusting the time is well spent to explain “What does raising chickens have to do with the building of the Kingdom of God”?
We are open to further questions or suggestions from you and you may respond at
Awaiting His Return,
Al & Doreen Bruce