Dear Supporters of Guyana Mission,
Greeting in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We at Guyana Mission are deeply appreciative of your support over the years.
One of the highlight accomplishments experienced in 2018 was the graduation of Olpha Mosima from the University of Kenya.
Six years ago, in 2013 Olpha the daughter of a single Mom appealed to us for assistance to attend The University of Kenya, we are grateful to you for your support that made her commencement possible.
She is commended on her accomplishment being the first in her family and pray this is the tool she needs for a profitable future while she continues to serve the Lord in her role as a teacher in the “slums of Kenya.”
The focus of Guyana Mission for some time has been our efforts to help the Wesleyana Bible Camp sustain itself, that was the calling Guyana Mission was founded on. Much has been accomplished in the development of this operation and for the last year our primary focus was re-starting and continuation of the Chicken Rearing program.
Several re-starts were experienced along with failures in the program, the consensus of everyone involved “the program is viable to secure funds once successfully implemented .”
The process of implementing steps to accomplish this and identify specific areas that caused failures in the past, list them out in their entirety, address them with all the players involved, this will involve the highest level of representatives of the Guyana Mission and the Wesleyana Bible Camp with up-dates on our progress in the monthly newsletters.
Wesleyana Bible Camp developing committee has successfully installed a TV tower that presently brings Television to the campers. The Chapel building has also been re-roofed, also a base installed for a water holding trestle at the campsite base. These are all improvements undertaken without our financing.
Additionally, the Bible Camp continues to provide activities for other evangelical bodies which we are happy to report. Evidence of the salvation of souls at all ages as well as the times of conventions that provides the venue to encourage growth and the calling of God for the ministry. Praise God despite our continuing challenges for providing the means of self-support the ministry of the Gospel is alive and well and that is an encouragement to our hearts.
Awaiting His Coming,
Al & Doreen Bruce