Mission Report: January 2018

Dear Guyana Mission Supporters,

As we enter a New Year with thankfulness for His mercy and grace, we are anticipating another year the expectations His blessings have for the days ahead .

First, I would like to express my gratitude for all of you that make this mission possible for your prayers and sacrificial giving that has miraculously helped achieve what we have accomplished.

Many have experienced the tough decision of helping their children walk from a crawling position as it was such an important time of transition into normal childhood . The decision to reach out and lift them up when they stumble or stand by and see if they can accomplish this alone. What ever we do in those circumstances always ensure one important thing “they have our attention to their needs” and because of that we assist them up or allow them to get up by themselves.

As we enter the New Year our mission is faced with those decisions, they are not easy but the need “has our attention” we are trusting God to make the right decisions to help The Wesleyana Bible Camp Ministry establish the means to support themselves. Thus, we are providing them with advice from two very reliable and experienced resources how they can utilize the current chicken pen and build into a productive program for expansion.

Like our children the decisions are not always easy, however we “have attention to their needs”. It would be great in the months ahead as you receive our reports we would be able to give good positive results, for that we ask both for your continued prayer and financial support.

The end results of a successful program to financially meet their obligations: The blessing of the ministry, reaching the countless children with the Good news of Salvation as well as the development of believers in teaching and equipping them with the Word of God, the completion of the commission of baptizing them as the Lord commands .

Olpha will be graduating this year and we will post details as received . Glory to God and to all of you we give thanks for assisting in the completion of her tuition and education.

Because of Calvary,
Al & Doreen Bruce
