Hello Guyana Mission Supporters,
You are in our prayers for your safety as we go through this experience together.
More than ever my heart is moved as we seek ways to reach out to each other while we are hurting the worst being our inability to give that warm bear hug to our loved ones for the fear of transmitting this virus which is so predominant.
Such times presents opportunity to declare the best in us while being cautious of the elements that unfortunately others may use for gain that is disturbing.
We are contemplating how we can continue to be effectively helping others in the ministry of Guyana Missions when funding is crucial to all.
This is a ministry I’m humbly called to and must admit it gives me a tremendous amount of joy and satisfaction when the needs of other are met. This has been the encouragement over the years as we accept new projects, while exercising faith to accomplish them.
Currently we have that challenge of assisting two students who desperately need assistance in completing their education in order to become an asset to their people – Brother Vickram from Guyana, and Brother Evans from Kenya.
As a debt free mission, we have and continue to operate within our means. All of our operations are solely based on the donations received from a few faithful monthly contributors of whom we are extremely grateful.
The need for financial support is shared by missions like ours, to meet those needs various plans and actions have been implemented such as fundraisers, grants, raffles to attain that goal.
“Guyana Mission” was created as a faith-based mission when God spoke to my heart many years ago and quite recently once again moved my heart to make this request.
The economy faces devastation and uncertainty overall, people looking for answers and stability and the last thing we want to hear is additional giving and yet this is just what is being communicated, however please bear with me and hear me out.
Many years ago, after my mom passed away, it was my responsibility to finalize her papers etc. It amazed me to see the various charities my mom was sending just $1.00 monthly. Honestly that changed my perspective on giving for the rest of my life, because she was a woman of great faith and humble means, yet she was responsive to the need of others.
Our request being is it possible for you to prayerfully commit sending just $5 for the next 12 months? Your response would be beneficial to those in need.
For those of you who regularly contributes we say thank you and may God continue to bless you this request do not pertain to you. It’s meant for those regularly reading our newsletter to prayerfully consider what action to take. Thanks in advance for your generosity, God bless!
Awaiting His Return,
Al & Doreen Bruce