Mission Report: June 2018

Dear Supporters of Guyana Mission,

Please join with me in prayer for the camps this summer. May God be glorified and may souls be changed that they may know and follow our Risen Savior Jesus Christ. In the spiritual world much is at work both for the Glory of God and against our Precious Savior. Prayer is our most valuable resource! We ask the Lord for strength for the leaders, for Brother Vickram, for the helpers to be protected at this time so that a miraculous time be had by all.


Below is a summary of the camp:

Camp schedule is from the 16th of July until the 18th of August. The camps will include:

  1. A time for women where they will gather for prayer and spiritual empowerment.
  2. Men’s camp with hopes to gather 150 men
  3. Camps for Junior, young teens, senior teens, young adults and senior adults.

All the resources of monies and investment are being used so that men, women and children can be empowered to go back to their communities as a witness and change agent for Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory!

Work continues to build the chicken farming to a level that the camp may sustain itself, it is not there yet. Funding is important so that this work may continue. Please consider donating, this can be done with the button below or contacting GMOP at the address and numbers above or below.

May Christ richly bless you,
Melva Bruce
Donor Relations
